The Political Spectrum

The Political/Economic Spectrum.

Fascism is a word that gets thrown around by Social Justice Warriors (SJWs). In my conversations that I attempt to have with them, they become hostile and condescending, but are unable to define “fascism” except to say that it is a frightening characteristic of people on the “far right”. They end friendships with people who express any ideas that they have been conditioned to hate. Some are so brutally indoctrinated that they obsessively include things like masculinity and private ownership as characteristics of fascism.

However, if the simplest description of the political/economic spectrum is used, fascism is clearly on the left where there is greater government control over society. On the right, where governments have less power and individuals have greater freedom, it is impossible for power-hungry monsters like Hitler to achieve their goals. Socialists desperately what to disown the National Socialist party of Germany and put the blame for his crimes on capitalism. The Nazis cut social programs and therefore leftists claim that it was capitalism that caused the second world war and holocaust. In their minds, Donald Trump is a fascist and some of them go as far as saying that he is “literally Hitler”.

It seems to me that some concepts of the political spectrum are very convoluted and confusing. SJWs rationalize that because the Nazis cut social programs, they are certainly on the right wing. According to them, anyone who wants less government than Weimar Germany offered is on the so-called right wing.

While it is true that Hitler cut social programs and permitted private businesses for Aryans, he was far from being a small-government libertarian who supported free-market capitalism. There were high taxes and very strong influence over many aspects of life by the state, including industry. The republic that replaced the German Empire after the first world war inherited gargantuan problems that politicians attempted to fix by printing money. If your currency was valued trillions to one against the U.S. dollar, what would you do? The economy was in such shambles after the first world war that no SJW is capable of understanding how horrible things were. Many people were horribly disfigured, trembling amputees with shellshock (PDSD) and severe hearing damage. Many people were dead. The Treaty of Versailles insured that their offspring where financially enslaved to France and the United States for generations. SJWs, in their delusion, insist that Germany before the second world war was basically like today’s USA and crawling with proto-Trump supporters.

SJWs label Nazis as “far right”. Do they think that moving away from communism first decreases government control over people until it reaches a minimum and then begins to increase again, like a sinewave? This manipulative way of thinking is unfortunate because it gives the impression that people who want freedom and small government are fascists.

Hard work and innovation are suddenly met with the scorn of screaming, militant Marxists who, in some cases, will start fires, loot businesses and hurt people unwilling to endorse their movement. However, in the clown-world of SJWs where up is down and left is right, the truck drivers who found their way to Ottawa and honked their horns are somehow the bad guys. A significant number of the drivers were of East Indian ancestry, but that didn’t stop the MSM from characterizing images the protests with images of a Confederate flag amongst the protesters and focusing on vague reports of unfavorable behavior on the part of “far-right-extremists”.

Can people begin to think logically about the political spectrum or is it me who is crazy for thinking that Hitler and his big-government and extreme control of his population belongs on the left with the other monsters who call themselves socialists? Perhaps someone can explain to me why they associate Nazis and their concentration camps with people who value hard work and independence instead of associating Nazis with communists. Hitler would never tolerate the comedy and relentless insults that Trump endured every day in the (MSM) for his entire first term. Orange Man boasted about the prosperity of minorities when he was in office and continues to talk about how good things were for everybody (except D.C. swamp creatures) under his administration. On January 6th, he clearly called for “peaceful” protest. By what ridiculous mental gymnastics is he similar to Hitler?

Help me with the intellectual contortionism required to think that Joe Biden is a better president in any way.

On Chuckwagon Races

During a decade in the past, the Calgary Stampede and Exhibition ran a marketing slogan. “The hottest ten days of summer.” I decided that they were the tackiest and continue to have a fairly cynical attitude towards the greatest outdoor show in town and its puke, sex and animal abuse. However, I found timeless beauty in those teams of horses thundering around the bend and onto the straightaway, whipped and screamed at reckless maniacs.

It is neither for nor against the controversial sport of chuckwagon racing that I speak. I can only try to convey the deep, unexpected response I felt upon witnessing, in the flesh, the metaphor of tent pegs being thrown into the back of a vehicle and the mad rush around the half mile of hell. I found it truly impressive. Tears come to my eyes now when I recall them charging into sight and towards the finish line. I felt so incredibly humble in the presence of such power and beauty. It is an awesome spectacle and the only thing that compares to it is everyday life.

After the fifth or eighth time that people climbed onto animals, they were probably racing them. I suspect that their brute force was put towards pulling plows only after we’d figured out how to move ourselves faster than our flimsy little legs would let us; faster than our competitors. How long have young men been meeting glory or disaster while trying to impress potential mates with acts of skill and courage? Can you imagine the countless creatures that have been killed because boys have something to prove? Amazing mounted women racing around barrels at the foot of the grandstand contribute to the mystique of this primitive pursuit. It is recreation now, but such skills were necessary for societies to thrive, only a short century ago. Throughout history, humans have dramatically increased their productivity by enslaving animals, including those of their own species. We have prospered by harnessing energy. It is in our blood. The bull riders and the burning flame of the Calgary tower are examples. Pain. Suffering. Death. And then a giant tractor pulls the grandstand stage onto the infield. A song and dance follow. Comedy. Fireworks. What a spectacle life is!

From racing on foot, we have raced on beasts and when beasts could carry us no faster, we forged machines. Rockets lifted an electric car towards mars, but still the hooves at the Stampede Grounds toss soil as those beautiful beasts are pushed to their limits and occasionally beyond. It is timeless and deadly like chariot races. It is dramatic.

I don’t blame my wife from Rio de Jannero for wanting to witness the most interesting show that we have to offer during the brief summer in this subarctic desert. I have tried to appease her with (what the City of Calgary claims is) the most extensive urban bicycle path network in North America. I have taken her camping in the mountains and on the prairies. What can else I do?… yeah, yeah, yeah. The Zoo. We haven’t been to the zoo yet. Fine! I’ll take her to the zoo. What then? What can with do during the inter-restriction time when we have favorable weather for about five minutes? Hopefully this year summer lands on a weekend, right? (winky face).

On Chuckwagon Races

During a decade in the past, the Calgary Stampede and Exhibition ran a marketing slogan. “The hottest ten days of summer.” I decided that they were the tackiest and continue to have a fairly cynical attitude towards the greatest outdoor show in town and its puke, sex and animal abuse. However, I found timeless beauty in those teams of horses thundering around the bend and onto the straightaway, whipped and screamed at reckless maniacs.

It is neither for nor against the controversial sport of chuckwagon racing that I speak. I can only try to convey the deep, unexpected response I felt upon witnessing, in the flesh, the metaphor of tent pegs being thrown into the back of a vehicle and the mad rush around the half mile of hell. I found it truly impressive. Tears come to my eyes now when I recall them charging into sight and towards the finish line. I felt so incredibly humble in the presence of such power and beauty. It is an awesome spectacle and the only thing that compares to it is everyday life.

After the fifth or eighth time that people climbed onto animals, they were probably racing them. I suspect that their brute force was put towards pulling plows only after we’d figured out how to move ourselves faster than our flimsy little legs would let us; faster than our competitors. How long have young men been meeting glory or disaster while trying to impress potential mates with acts of skill and courage? Can you imagine the countless creatures that have been killed because boys have something to prove? Amazing mounted women racing around barrels at the foot of the grandstand contribute to the mystique of this primitive pursuit. It is recreation now, but such skills were necessary for societies to thrive, only a short century ago. Throughout history, humans have dramatically increased their productivity by enslaving animals, including those of their own species. We have prospered by harnessing energy. It is in our blood. The bull riders and the burning flame of the Calgary tower are examples. Pain. Suffering. Death. And then a giant tractor pulls the grandstand stage onto the infield. A song and dance follow. Comedy. Fireworks. What a spectacle life is!

From racing on foot, we have raced on beasts and when beasts could carry us no faster, we forged machines. Rockets lifted an electric car towards mars, but still the hooves at the Stampede Grounds toss soil as those beautiful beasts are pushed to their limits and occasionally beyond. It is timeless and deadly like chariot races. It is dramatic.

I don’t blame my wife from Rio de Jannero for wanting to witness the most interesting show that we have to offer during the brief summer in this subarctic desert. I have tried to appease her with (what the City of Calgary claims is) the most extensive urban bicycle path network in North America. I have taken her camping in the mountains and on the prairies. What can else I do?… yeah, yeah, yeah. The Zoo. We haven’t been to the zoo yet. Fine! I’ll take her to the zoo. What then? What can with do during the inter-restriction time when we have favorable weather for about five minutes? Hopefully this year summer lands on a weekend, right? (winky face).

What I Want from My Governments

We need to wear masks because we are stupid and ugly.

In pleasant contrast to the hostility and intolerance that many people express towards opinions that are contrary to their own, I was pleasantly surprised when someone asked me what I think and what I would do if I was in a position of power and influence. I was a little hard pressed to summarize the ideas that I have at this point in my life about how the world works and how I believe it could be better. I will try here. I will also include a few other ideas that have been shared with me.

But first, I will explain what little logic I managed to articulate in response to the interesting question of what I would like my governments to do. Its fairly simple: I am a Libertarian. I won’t say exactly what governments should or should do, but they should do less. The so-called “climate emergency” is a dangerous temptation for the them to do much, much more at disastrous expense. If it were up to me, the majority of Canadians who claim to be concerned about carbon dioxide emissions can hope on a bicycle from time to time and prove that they believe in Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (CACC). When I was a CACC-sucker I stopped driving my small car and biked year-round. Soccer moms, electricians and other people who want to virtue signal their concern for the environment can rack up a thousand kimmies a year without much difficulty. Many people can easily bike much more without compromising quality of life. They might actually benefit from the fresh air, exercise and perspective that bicycles provide (not to mention the inexpensive operation).

The City of Calgary boasts the most extensive urban bicycle path network in North America. Therefore, upgrading to a system that is practical and safe for most people would be a relatively inexpensive investment. Electric bicycles reduce the excuses that CACC-suckers produce when whining for subsidized cars with cup holders and acceleration that isn’t going to save the world. Investments in such infrastructure also has the advantage of fewer unionized employees than public transit. Drivers and mechanics cost taxpayers a lot.

What will cost taxpayers more? Replacing every automobile and piece of power generation equipment in the world, or ending street parking along good cycling routes?

I imagine a project: there is currently a bicycle path that runs along a pleasant and picturesque route from downtown to the city’s North East. However, once riders fly over Deerfoot Trail, they quickly find themselves on roads with cars. The available routes into the residential areas are indirect and tedious compared to the pathway of the Nose Creek Valley. I propose a viaduct over the warehouses and the mall that lies between Alberta’s busiest highway and the neighborhoods. It would save cyclists time, encounters with automobiles. It would also provide Calgary’s North East with some much-needed awesomeness. The quadrant has pathways, but few of them are interesting or beautiful. A fast route with a view of the city centre with the mountains in the background might encourage people to leave their private automobiles at home more often. Even the mall might receive more visits if people can park their bikes on the roof and wander down to its corridors.

Another project that I would like to see would be a passenger train between Calgary and Edmonton. There have proposals for a highspeed service but since there is no regular speed passenger trains at this point, perhaps we should start there. The highspeed proposals only stop and the airports of the province’s two biggest cities and in Red Deer. If it were up to me, exciting destinations like Airdrie, Olds and Penoka could have stops. These towns and small cities might benefit from people being able to commute conveniently to a business centre. Many passengers could also bring bicycles on the trains or leave them at the stations.

Geeze…that might be the extent of what I would do if I were the despot. How about some of my brother’s ideas? He suggested making public transit free! I am skeptical, but it might just be crazy enough to work. I’ve heard about it being successful on some level in at least one place. It would, in theory, reduce the need for expensive infrastructure projects and improve traffic flow. He also suggested the city buy or rent a tunneling machine to make routes for bicycles or public transit. When a major road was dug up, he said it would have been a good opportunity to put a subway line down. What else?

Ah yeah. I had another idea of my own: a petition fair. People can hang out and sign all the non-binding statements that they agree with and acquire snacks from food trucks and ignore live entertainment from musicians and clowns. It might be a good event to also host debates and forums.

This is something that I will continue to think about, but there are very few things that I would rush to change. Despite identifying as a libertarian and being suspicious of bureaucracies, I must admit to receiving reasonably good service from government employees most of the time and excellent service many times. I have received several responses to letters that I have written to public officials, including Ralph Klein when he was Premier. I am open to the idea of private education and healthcare, but I let other people argue things like that.

Oh! Yet another idea! Perhaps there should be a few government positions that are offered by way of a lottery. That would give people who lack the connections and money that help with leadership roles an opportunity to influence some of the decisions that get made on our behalf. The prime minister should not be put in place this way, but some lucky person gets to have his or her voice lifted above the din.

Hey! There’s more! Calgary also claims to have the world’s largest collection of interconnected elevated walkways in it’s downtown core. Why aren’t these promoted during the cold months as a place of walking/jogging. I see a city centre with a new train station and waterpark along the 9th Ave corridor where lots of land waits for interesting additions.

Here’s one for you: Let’s replace “pride” celebrations with honoring the love between consenting human adults (CHAL). Not only is this intended to protect CHAL rights, but it also seems worth sparing innocent, impressionable young minds the highly sexualized aspects of pride parades. Where is the parade to honor healthy families?

“Pride” parades are also due to be replaced because I think many people are very tired of the LGBTQRSTUV2F+ BS. I am. This ever-changing initialism has become extremely convoluted and its still not enough sometimes. Some people feel the need to add a “plus” to the end. Plus, what? Hmm? PLUS, WHAT?! What is the perversion that is missing from the lengthening series of letters? What is up with that goddamn “plus”? What are they beating around the bush about? Hmmm? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, 2 Spirited. What else is there?

Do we need rights for people who are attracted to inanimate objects? Sure. Why not? As long as they don’t hump any of my inanimate objects, or anything out in public, its none of my business. How about people that are sexually attracted to animate objects that aren’t consenting adults? Do they deserve to engage in their fantasies? In my opinion, all good people must oppose perverts trying to get off on animals or children.

What?! LGBTQRSTUV2F+ BS is not meant to hurt children? I’m a bigot for only supporting CHAL? Who am I oppressing? I just want freedom for people to engage in healthy relationships and that excludes all forms of pedophilia and bestiality. That exclusion is meant to prevent civilization from collapsing.

Next, I will quit drinking as a demonstration of my displeasure with the vaxx pass. I’ll show you healthy. Close the gyms down but keep the liquor stores open? Consider making your family eat outside in the bitter freezing cold for Christmas? How can we trust these bureaucrats?

The Real Rabid Racists

Until recently, the most openly bigoted person that I had ever met was a man from India. I met him while treating myself to a beer at The Ship and Anchor in Calgary. I was scribbling and writing into my notebook when this guy struck up a conversation with me. He demanded the prompt service of the bartender for both of us. He took the money that I had and held it towards the person working the taps and insisted that we get our drinks at that moment.

At some point he asked me if I could guess where he was from. “Pakistan?” I guessed.

“I’m from India.” He corrected me and began to express great pride in his country. He spoke dismissively of Canadian culture and cuisine. He claimed to live with servants at his command and to have killed a tiger with an AK-47.

I asked him what he thought about the recent successful test of a nuclear weapon in Pakistan.

Let’s do a quick flashback! A few weeks before, I found myself across a patio table from a pair of guys from Pakistan. They were much more pleasant and received the same question with much more courtesy. The two of them agreed that their country had to do it.

As I sat at the bar of the Ship and Anchor, the fellow from India described his eager anticipation of war. He wanted to “kill all the Pakis.”

“Oh fuck, man. One day people will say that there used to be a place called Pakistan…We’re gonna blow them off the map.”

At some point, I must have appeared fairly disgusted because he told me not to “look at me like that” and threatened to take my eye out. I did my best to return to my notebook. I did nothing, eventually leaving without incident.

After about 20 years, I have found someone more barking mad with bigotry. Fortunately, I didn’t have to share physical space with such a malicious monster. He has a WordPress website and published an article about how horrible Orange Man Bad is. In a comment, I mentioned Bill Clinton’s flights on Jeffery Epstein’s aeroplane. This person quickly became very abusive.

I consider myself to be an agnostic person. I remain very skeptical about stories of ghosts and goblins, but the behavior of this person and other far left-wing extremists help me imagine demons walking amongst us and driving our thoughts and emotions like deranged Kamikazes. This person that I encountered online was quick to accuse me of raping my daughter (I have no children) and wished to throw me out of his restaurant. This person proudly declared his Blackfoot heritage and explained in hysterical detail how horrible he thought white people are.

Many years ago, I read a biography of the Blackfoot Chief, Crowfoot. I shared this information with the maniac and explained that Crowfoot was a peacemaker. I hoped this would open the door to more polite conversation. The following was its response:

Chief Crowfoot? He would stand right besides me calling out your white supremacist hypocrisy and how you white supremacist ChristoTalibans thought you were so superior to us? You all committed mass genocide against us, stole our lands and then proclaimed yourselves the civilized ones. Civilized ones do not wipe out over 100 MILLION humans in North, Central and South America.

See you seem to misunderstand you punk. Aniwaya are the Wolf Clan of the Tslagi. We are the True Warriors. And? We are here to make sure you white scum? Reap back all you have sown, to Native Americans, to Africans and to many other people of color in your racist white supremacist history of hypocrisy.

Seems the Karma is coming for you white demons of hell. And you all deserve it.

I especially enjoy it when I see all those tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, etc? Taking you all out. I especially love watching many of you white demons dying of Covid-19, especially? Your Christian pastors. We laugh when they keep saying their gawd will protect them and their gawd is stronger than Covid and then end up dead and rotting in their grave.

Every time I see groups of white Christians wiped out? I celebrate. Matter of fact? Any time I hear a group of Christians being slaughtered? I laugh and celebrate. When Muslims cut your heads off? I cheer.When some white pyscho Trumpturd goes into a church and shoots up people? I laugh and laugh and laugh.

See, all the hate, all the racism, all the slaughters, butcheries, mass genocides committed by you Troglodytes of the white race? Is going to come back upon all of you. For as you all sow? So shall you all reap.And as you Trumpturds die? I will laugh and laugh and laugh and then? Go piss and shit on your graves. That is a truth.

This is what you white racist punks taught the rest of us. And now? You all hate having us do unto you punks as you all did unto us huh? Well suck it up and deal with it and keep melting down snowflake in your own hypocrisy. Cause I love seeing you meltdown.

How you like that? Punk.

I gave up on any sort of adult conversation with this creature. His website is a reeking cesspool of morbid vitriol directed at Christians, white people and Donald Trump. Unfortunately, he is only the most extreme Social Justice Warrior (SJW) that I have encountered. I am learning that society is festering with folks who are so righteous and woke that they won’t tolerate anyone who thinks differently than they do.

 A significant portion of people are firmly unwilling to consider opinions that are opposed to theirs. Many are perfectly willing to eliminate everyone from their lives who have opinions that they disagree with. There are blacklists for unfriending so people’s online life can be morally upgraded with a click or tap. I can be easily removed from their lives because the digital word is going around that are racist things like “all lives matter” rotting in my horrible head. However, unfriending is just the beginning of cancel culture. Brainwashed zealots disrupt traffic, harass their opponents and burn buildings. Businesses and lives are being destroyed and crime is spiraling out of control under the outrageous behavior of the so-called “protestors”.

Apologists of Black Lives Matter say: not all BLM supporters are rioters or thugs. That is true, but I suspect that most of the looters, arsonists and destructive monsters are either BLM supporters or degenerate opportunists. I suspect that none of the violent demonstrators are conservative, pro-life or big fans of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. None of them are Trump Supporters or Christians. Tens of thousands of Trump supporters have gathered on many occasions without vandalism, laser blinding or rubber bullets. Is that because of systemic racism or does it have something to do with behavior? Today’s far-left fanatics seem to be behaving increasingly like deranged lunatics. They celebrate destruction and sulk during good times. Their horrible noises turn nice dinners out on the town into nightmares of loud, chanted slogans and the expectation of a knee bent to their manipulative narrative.

Before the pandemic, Donald Trump boasted many times about the low unemployment amongst African Americans. Does this fact confuse the filthy, reeking lowlifes who deplore him with so much brain-puke, or are they unaware of the president’s pride in the prosperity of black people? I suspect they are ignorant and only believe the lies of the mainstream media.

The Risky Green Line

The Blue Line of the CTRAIN (Route 202)

Transportation was an interesting topic before climate hysteria and the corona bacteria from Japan on the economy reduced my enthusiasm for the addition of the “Green Line” to the CTrain’s routes. Transportation continues to be an important part of the civic conversation with the final aproval being given to the undertaking. It is a super-mega project by the standards of land and will command mountains of money. There have also been rumblings on talk radio about passenger rail again linking our city to Banff. Talk of a high-speed link to Edmonton continues to bubble up from time to time, and The City of Calgary has been claiming that it has North America’s most extensive bicycle path network.

Maybe Black Sabbath was singing about our humble LRT system when they unleashed their hit single “Crazy Train” upon the world. Before the pandemic, it was the second busiest LRT network in North America. However, a significant fraction of the nation wants the industry that our economy depends on to be strangled to death. Electric cars are stepping out from the world of science fiction and onto the road. They will also be limited by resources, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to dismiss the growth of companies like Tesla. Will bitumen be able to buy the interesting amenity on the table? I would have put that wealth elsewhere.

While writing an article about the proposed High-Speed Rail (HSR) link between Calgary and Edmonton, I had the pleasure of speaking Peter Wallis of the Van Horn Institute for Transportation studies. He might have sensed my skepticism, and as he tried to explain the viability of a bullet train in Alberta, he used a rhetorical question; “What would you do?” I responded that I was looking for the opinion of a transportation think-tank professional like him, but I later wrote him an email to describe what would happen if it were up to me.

Because there hasn’t been conventional passenger rail transportation between the province’s two largest cities for decades, I have come to believe that we should probably start with a something less zippy than the systems that were proposed. The plan that the Van Horne Institute described included only five stations; downtown Calgary, Calgary International Airport, Red Deer, Edmonton International Airport and Downtown Edmonton. What about exciting destinations like Airdrie, Olds, Lacombe and Wetaskiwin where people are compelled to move to different places within the corridor on a daily basis? I dare to dream of tunnelling under Red Deer and having a subway station in the centre of the middle city.

While we’re on the topic of what I would do if it were up to me…I would significantly improve Calgary’s bicycle infrastructure before committed the city to the financial burden of the Green Line. Calgary is already fairly bike-friendly and it wouldn’t take much to go from a scenic recreational network to a fast, and practical transportation option for many people. I would start with in the North East. Near 32 Ave, there is a pedestrian bridge that allows riders to comfortably go from the Nose Creek pathway, over Deerfoot Trail and towards communities like Rundle, Marlboro and Sunridge. However, moving from the meadows of the creek to the higher ground beyond the big highway quickly becomes much less pleasant. The routes are winding and well endowed with traffic lights. The only specific part of my vision at this point is a 2km viaduct over the roads and warehouses of the area that allow cyclists faster travel from 21rd street, where the pathway first becomes convoluted, to Sunridge Mall, where cyclists have the option of visiting the shopping centre or continue conveniently over the LRT tracks at 36th Street. From that end of the viaduct, the heart of the quadrant will be easily accessible by existing bike paths and quiet streets.

The rest of my vision includes nothing else specific besides more humble upgrades to cycletracks and the promotion of the most efficient form of transportation. Most of the North East is far from the picturesque pathways that the rest of the Calgary enjoys. Perhaps that is why I see so few people peddle around over there. My theory is that a 2km viaduct with a view of downtown in front of the mountains will change that. It won’t be a beautiful natural area like Nose Hill or the River Valleys, but it will improve the peaceful passage of people to so many of their destinations and it will bring cyclists to areas that they might not have considered otherwise. It would be an excellent pandering gimmick for the woke folks. Not only is it sustainable, but it makes it easier for the diverse communities of the area to participate in low-carbon transportation. Perhaps the only danger here is the woke folks claiming that we are trying to destroy their pristine cultures by assimilation. Whatever. I think it’s a good idea because all lives matter and bicycles are the most efficient form of transportation and piss on any one what thinks otherwise because they are stupid.

Calgary to Banff by Train? Maybe that’s where it’s really at. Where else would an avid cyclist want to be after a comfortable ride west?